True Leadership is not only about survival but also creating an even better future.
Leaders in all facets of society are now engaged in an epic battle of a physical, managerial and psychological nature.
The « Leadership, beyond » initiative involves identifying the most salient personal and professional features which executives will require in order to succeed in this new and strenuous Leadership role.
While survival may be top of mind to-day, companies will need to pivot from a crisis management mindset to a far more creative and imaginative one, and quickly.
Business leaders will need to create a collective narrative of hope and initiate bold collective actions, providing a positive message to their team..
It also demands of them a moment of existential introspection : what defines their Company’s purpose, its core reason for being and its impact on the community.
The pandemic has placed enormous demands on corporate leaders and « beyond » confronting them with the economic challenge of a life-time.